Thank you to all of our Sponsors and those donating in the name of loved ones.
Special Thanks to:
"In Honor of our co-workers, clients and vendors"
Olive Garden, Winston-Salem, NC
The Loop Pizza Grill, Kernersville, NC
Paperback Exchange, Kernersville, NC
Joanna Mullins for donating in Memory of her brother, David White
Bob and Claire Feulner in honor of Vinny DiGerolamo
Katie and Brian Wheatley in Honor of Lily Blackman
Art Dietz in Honor of Vinny DIGerolamo
Gram Pam and Papa Bill in Honor of Vinny DiGerolamo
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and the Faith Formation Bible Class, High Point, NC
Gary and Hope Bristow in Honor of Vinny DiGerolamo
Catherine Keene Photography in Honor of Charlotte Henry
Jerry and Sidney Shadley in Honor of all of the children battling on
Judy and Robert Jay in Honor of Amanda Rivenbark
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Price
Mrs. Catherine Cox
Joyce and Robert Smith
St. Matthews Episcopal Church, Kernersville, NC
Amy and Trent Grubb in Memory of Darren Spurgeon
George and Sharon Trax in Honor of Vinny
Dr. Sheehan in Memory of Kate Thornton
Thomas Delucia in Honor of Chase McCrary
Yadkin Success Academy in Memory of Daniel Keith Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Gangloff in Memory of Daniel Keith Stanley
Magnolia Gardens Extended Care in Memory of Daniel Keith Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Brown in Memory of Daniel Keith Stanley
Teddy - for all you do